Welcome to the website of the

Navan & District Historical Society (N&DHS)

Logo N&DHS

Founded in 2007 our main aim is to foster an interest in the local history of our area.
(you can see a more formal declaration of our aims in our Constitution under the"About Us" tab.)

We hold meetings and excursions throughout the year, keeping them as informative and informal as we can, and urging our members to participate and enjoy themselves.
If you wish to learn more about us, why don't you apply to join us and enjoy meeting with
others who share your interest.


Please note the change of date for our upcoming society talk:


Navan - Its People and Its Past, Vol. 7, is now available to buy in Tierney's Newsagents, The Solstice, Fagans Nearby (Blackcastle Shopping Centre), and Centra on the Ratholdren Road along with some other shops in the district.


Navan & District Historical Society are incredibly proud of the outcome of all our hard work in getting this exciting and important project to the next stage of development.
In 2022 a conservation and management plan was commissioned by Meath County Council and Navan & District Historical Society. This plan was funded by the Community Monuments Fund (CMF). The purpose of the plan was to assess the history, cultural significance, and current condition of the walled town of Navan – in terms of its known standing remains, buried archaeology, layout and associated buildings. It assesses the threats to its significance; outlines a conservation strategy and makes recommendations for enhancement, improved management and interpretation.
The conservation plan was submitted as part of an application for funding from the Community Monuments Fund (CMF); €81,000 was secured for the conservation works to repair the bastion (ME025-044007) and adjacent town wall section to the rear of the council depot along Abbey Road, Navan, Co Meath. Conservator Greg Smith carried out this work and we have to say the results are very impressive.
As a follow on from all this work the Irish Walled Town Network (IWTN) Management Committee met last Friday and approved Navan’s application to join the network, giving the town access to grants and expertise and the opportunity of promoting the town nationally.
Navan becomes the third Meath town in the network along with Trim and Kells.
To view the Conservation Plan click link below:
Society Members visited the Town Wall site in October 2022.


We have an updated PayPal email address
Please make payments to navanhistory@gmail.com


Programme of Events 2024

All meetings are held in Columbanus Hall, Canon Row, Navan at 8pm unless otherwise stated.

Thursday, 25 January 2024 - AGM and talk by Richard Farrelly from his collection.

Thursday, 22 February 2024 - St. Stephens Church Old Kilcarn. - Christopher Lynch.

Thursday, 21 March 2024 - The Book of Kells – Donncha MacGabhann.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 - 'America to Allenstown - The Land Commission Migration' - Martin O'Halloran.

Thursday, 23 May 2024 - Francis Beaufort on the 250th anniversary of his birth – John Connolly.

June/July - Annual Summer Outings. - To be confirmed nearer dates.

August - Heritage Week - Programme to be confirmed.

Thursday, 26 September 2024 - Negotiating the Landscape of Prehistoric and Medieval Ireland – Dr. Yolande O’Brien.

Thursday, 24 October 2024 - Round Towers of Ireland. – Oliver McBride.

Sunday, TBC, November 2024  - Battle of the Boyne Centre - Brendan Mathews.

