1842 Meath Elections
The Times, (The London Times) 30 May 1842:
The writ for holding the election has been forwarded from the Hanaper - office to the High Sheriff of the county. Although no candidate has as yet officially declared himself, there seems to be no reason to doubt that Mr. Corbally, who was so scurvily treated at the last contest, will have a quiet walk over the course. This gentleman, so far from being a Repealer, is considered to be a moderate, and, as it is termed, an “aristocrat” Whig; and as such finds little favour in the eyes of the electors, who through the agency of an active club, are for the most part strongly inculcated with the virus of Repeal. But, to use the words of an ardent Repealer “the steam is not up” and for better, or worse, they must e’en put up with the lordly owner of Corbalton-hall. This speaks volumes for the decline of the “insane delusion”. “The Pilot” of this evening publishes a requisition from the electors of the county, at the head of which stand the names of Lord Shelbourne and Lord Killeen, the latter a connection of Mr. Corbally, calling on that gentleman to stand for the representation; and strange enough, the organ of the Repealers backs his pretensions, not wish to contemplate a “division of the Liberal interest”. The “club” on the other hand, have called a meeting for Friday next, at Navan, when, probably, something will transpire as to the contemplated division of interests.