Tubberorum Lane is off Ludlow Street, between
No. 4, Reilly, Solicitors, and No. 5, McGrane, Butcher.
At the bottom of the lane there was a well which gave its name to the lane. "Tobar" is the Irish for well.
It is not clear what the origin of the full name Tubberorum is.
It may come from an Old Irish word Uaran which means "a fountain of pure water".
Legend has it that when St. Patrick was on his missionary tour of the country he and his comapnions stopped at this well for a drink.
Oran was a charioteer who filled the water vessels and tended his noble passengers.
The well was called Tubberoran, the well of Oran and down through the years the pronunciation may have slipped into that of Tubberorum.
Drawing by Patrick Reel
Tubberorum was the main source of water for the people of Navan from medieval times to the 19th cent