New Lane runs from Abbeylands down towards Flower Hill
These are the people who lived there according to the Griffith Valuation of 1860
1. William Heeny
2. Patrick Moohan
3. Patrick Fitzpatrick
4. James Magan.
5. Catherine Moohan
6. John Carolan
7. James Stapleton
8. John Barnes
9. James M’Kenna
10. Vacant
11. John Lynch
12. James Fitzpatrick
13. John Cox
14. Vacant
15. Cormack Cox
16. Patrick Cox
17. Vacant.
18. John Evans
19. Thomas Hughes
20. Andrew Sheridan
21. James Kerrigan.
22. Patrick Moran.
23. Patrick Blake.
24. Ellen M’Gauveran
25. Owen Smith.
26. Joseph Clarke.
27. Stephen Carty
28. Matthew Duffy
29. Patrick Lynch
30. Vacant.
31. John Meleady
32. Joseph Duffy
33. Thomas M’Eiver
34. Ellen Farrrelly
35. Vacant.
36. Henry Ratty
37. Anne Farrell
Earl of Essex was landlord for most houses at this time. The valuation of the houses ranged from 16 shillings to 4 pounds 3 shillings.