The following information is also a transcription of the booklet produced for the celebration around the 800th Anniversary of St. Stephen’s Church in Kilcarne.
Close to the Rev. Barry’s grave is another, bearing a coat of Arms, a scroll and a crest – a dog’s head, all in high relief. The arms are – on the dexter half (right hand side) three bars for Barry. On the sinister side (left hand side) a chevron between 3 pheons for Forster. At this point in time it is not possible to decipher the inscription. However I have come up with the following information that the slab belongs to Humphry Barry, who was a son of Richard Barry, Alderman of Dublin. His wife Susanna was the daughter of Charles Forster, also an Alderman of Dublin. On a small mural tablet in the west wall, the upper portion of which is carved with the emblems of the Crucifixion in relief is the following inscription – ‘Here lyeth the body of Christ’r Welsh who departed this life the 24th of December 1742 aged 85 years.’
On the other side of the west end of the church is a stone with the following inscription – ‘Here lyeth the body of William Henry, who departed ys life ye 6th 1759 aged 75 years.’
SMITH – In loving memory of James Smith, Johnstown died 9th June 19, His wife Mary and parents. Their sons Peter died 28th June 1975. James died 21st Nov 1976. Patrick died 18th November 1968 and his wife Mollie died 1950 R.R.P (inside church in a plot with a cross)
TOMLINSON – Here lyeth the body of John Tomlinson of the city of Dublin. HE was a tender husband and an affectionate father and a sincere friend. HE departed this life, lamented by all who knew him, the 25th of March A.D. 1750 aged 63 years. ( grave slab inside east ruins of church)
WEBBE – He lies the body of Ann Webbe 33 D. 1711. He lyeth the body of William Webbe who departed this life March ye 8th 173 aged 60.
According to Dr. Cogan’s history of the Diocese of Meath there is also a priest buried inside the church. HE refers to him as Rev. Mr. Caffry. However there is no headstone to remember him by.
BLAKE – HIS in loving memory of Peter Blake who died 14th April 1913. Jane Blake died 15th November 1927. John Blake died 30th August 1940 R.I.P. (stonemason Oliver Rennicks)
BOYLAN – In loving memory of James Boylan died 13th May 1955 aged 60 years. On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed…. (stone mason Oliver Rennicks, Navan)
BRIEN – Erected by James Brien of Halston Street, City of Dublin in memory of his beloved brother John Brien who departed this life 18th October 1817 aged 22 years. Also of his revered father Michael Brien who died 11th December 1824 aged 58 years. Frances O’Reilly relict of Owen O’Reilly, North King Street, Dublin, departed this life 17th July 1842.
Michael and Maria O’Brien, James, Hugh and Margaret O’Brien. Edward Michael O’Brien died April 1906. Mary Ann O’Brien died 9th June 1913. William O’Brien died 22nd August 1933. Anne O’Brien died 1938. Mary Clare Lynch died 22nd October 1971.
BROWNE – See Madden, John.
BRYAN – This stone was erected by Catherine Bryan of Castletown Targh, in memory of her beloved husband Christopher Bryan who departed this life 15th May 1776 aged 44 years. Here also lie the remains of the above Catherine Bryan alias Mullen departed this life 24th April 1799 aged 59 years. And of her daughter Elizabeth Bryan who departed this life 24th January 1794 aged 23 years. Also her daughter Mary Smith alias Bryan wife of Nicholas Smyth of Castletown, Kilberry who departed this life 26th December 1798 aged 36 years.
(Pictured right. Photo N&DHS)
BRYAN – Here lieth the body of Joan Bryan deceased 1709. Also her son James deceased 1730. Also her husband Hugh Bryan deceased the 16th day of February 1733/4 Also their son Nicholas deceased 1734.
BRYAN – HIS. This stone belongs to Walter Bryan and his posterity. 1779 and also his children John, Thomas, Genne, and Joseph and also his father and mother.
CARROLL – HIS. Here lieth the body of Frances Carroll alias Holmes who departed this life the 5th day of May 1757 aged 35 years. And also three of her children. Erected by her husband William Holmes. (Below this is the inscription sunk into the stone) Agnes Gillick died October 1st 1951.
COLLINS – (Metal cross North of Church). In loving memory of Kate Collins died 20th August 1920. Also her husband Bartle Collins died … July 1942. R.I.P.
CONNOLLY – Of your charity pray for the souls of Patrick Connolly who died August 8th 1848 aged 60 years. Of Anne Connolly who died October 3rd 1868 aged 78 years. Of Rose Connolly who died in the year 1839 aged 22 years. Of Margaret Downes who died in the same year aged 27 years and of Catherine McCormick who died in America in the year 1852 aged 26 years.
COOGAN – Erected by Thomas Coogan, Hayes in memory of his father Loghlan died May 15th 1886 aged 52 years. Also his mother Julia died April 19th 1903 aged 70 years. R.I.P. (Broken Cross)
DALTON – Here lie ye body of John Dalton who departed ys life 10 of February 1757 aged 51 years. Also his wife Bridget Dalton who departed ys … ye … Aged … (skull and crossbones at top.)
DIGNEN – See Johnson, John.
DONNELLY – See Doran, William.
DORAN – Erected by William Doran of Oldtown in memory of his beloved wife Mary who died on the 27th of May 1866 aged 61 years. Also of her mother Mrs. Mary Farrell who died on the 21st January 1855. And her three grandchildren John and Joseph Donnelly and Mary Doran.
DOUNS – HIS Here lyeth ye body of William Douns who died January ye 12th 1755 aged 99 years. Also 4 of his children and grandson William who died Dec ye 18th 1763 aged 5 years.
DOWNES – See Connolly, Patrick.
DRUMM – in LOVING MEMORY OF Mary died 24th January. Her husband Edward Drumm died 30th December 1938. Also their children Anna died 1st May 1918. Veronica died 9th February 1949. Laurence died 2nd May 1962. Their grand-daughter Philomena died 17th January 1962. Also their son William died 21st July 1964. Rose Drumm died 14th April 1984 R.I.P. (Stone Mason T & O Rennicks, Ardbraccan).
FARRELL – See Doran, William.
FAY – This stone was erected by George Fay of Navan for him and his family. Here lye ye body of Owen Fay, father of George. Also Margaret wife of Owen. Also Patrick son of Owen. Also John Fay late of Navan deceased February ye 2nd (1709?)
FAY – In loving memory of our dear parents William and Catherine Fay. Brothers Edward and James (modern)
FITZPATRICK – Erected in memory of Patrick Fitzpatrick died 20th March 1893 aged 81 years. His wide Catherine Fitzpatrick died 9th April 1902 aged 82 years. Also their son James Fitzpatrick died 13th January 1901 aged 60 years.
FLEMING – HIS Here lyeth the body of Walter Fleming of Liffey St. Grocer who departed this life 26th Sep. 1769 aged 45 years.
GARGAN – Here lieth the body of James Gargan who departed this life August 21st 1782 aged 82 years.
GILLICK – See Carroll, Frances.
GOLSAN – Here lieth the body of John Golsan who departed this life ye 7th of February 1755 aged 56 years. (East of church, badly eroded, beside next stone John Golsan)
GOLSAN – HIS Here lieth the body of John Golsan who departed this life the 22nd of June Anno Domini 1783 aged 84 years. (East of Church)
GURREEN – Erected by Edward Gurreen in memory of his wife Mary Gurreen who died Febry the 16th 1795 aged 60 years.
HOLMES – See Carroll, Frances.
HOLTEN – IN loving memory of James Holten died June 1981. Barle died Jan 1930. Finbarr died April 1953. Bridget died April 1960. Kevin died May 1960.
JACKSON – This stone was erected by Christopher Jackson in memory of his son John deceased March the 17th 1778 aged 18 years.
JOHNSON – HIS Here lyeth ye body of John Johnson who departed this life November ye 16 ye year of our Lord Anno Domini 1724 aged 80. Also here lyeth ye body of Mary Johnson alias Dignen wife to John Johnson who departed ys life March ye 12 in the year of our Lord Domini 1738 aged 60 years.
KELLY – HIS Erected by Joe and Pat Kelly, Lime Kiln Hill, Navan, in memory of their parents Pat Kelly died 22nd June 1902 and Julia Kelly died 10th August 1914. Also their brothers John died 4th May 1887 and William died 15th Sept 1891. Also their sister Mary died 3rd Nov 1937. Also the above Pat Kelly who died 12th Jany 1941. Also Joe Kelly died 5th September 1943.
LARACY – HIS Erected by James Laracy in memory of his father and mother Thomas and Judith Laracy in the year of 1836.
LYNCH – HIS Erected by Mary Lynch otherwise Mary Smyth in memory of her parents and brother John Patrick and Michael Smyth of Balreask near Navan. Here also lieth the body of the Mary Lynch deceased January 30th 1818 aged 72 years.
LYNCH – Erected by P. Lynch in memory of his mother Mary Lynch died 6th March 1885 aged 36 years. Bridget Lynch died 10th May 1897 aged 16 years. Edward Lynch died 30th May 1903 aged 63 years. Also the above Patrick Lynch died 30th Sept. 1937 R.I.P.
LYNCH – See Brien, James
McCORMICK – See Connolly, Patrick
McDONALD – In memory of Hugh McDonald, Sion Johnstown, died 28th Jan 1971. Pray for me.
McGUINNESS – Erected by their sorrowing children in loving memory of Mary McGuinness who died Feb 9th 1918. Also her husband Francis McGuinness who died Nov. 22nd 1927 and their baby daughter who died Mar 12th 1914.
McGUINNESS – Erected by Patrick and Thomas McGuinness, Butterstream Navan in memory of their mother Anne McGuinness who died 23rd Aug. 1916 and also their father John McGuinness who died 15th June 1925. Also pray for the soul of their son Thomas McGuinness who died 7th Feb. 1937. The above Patrick who died Feb. 23rd 1941 R.I.P.
McMAGHAN – Here lyeth ye body of Hugh McMaghan, who departed ys life March ye 1st 1751 aged 78 years. This stone was erected by his son Archey.
McNALLY – In loving memory of John McNally, Kells Rd., Navan died March 22nd 1921 aged 71 years. Also his wife Mary Anne died December 9th 1927 aged 70 years and their children Mary died February 11th 1909 aged 23 years and Anne died August 7th 1904 aged 6 years.
MADDEN – In loving memory of our dear father and mother John and Anne Madden late of Navan. Also Peter, Patrick, and Monica and Richard who died 9th May 1901. Also their sister Elizabeth Browne who died Novr. 28th 1906 aged 58 years. Also their brother Joseph who died Sep 20th 1916 aged 57 years.
MONAGHAN – RTS 3228 Rough Rider L. Monaghan Royal Army Service Corps 23rd February 1919 aged 39 years -just west of the church. Pictured right.
MORAN – In loving memory of Joseph Moran Johnstown, Navan died 3rd April 1942 aged 46. Interred at Kilmessan, Also his son Neil died 26th Sept 1983 aged 56 following an accident R.I.P. (north of church). Marcella Moran (Neil’s mother) died 9th Jan. 1982 aged 96.
MORGAN – In loving memory of Michal Morgan died June 1st 1900 aged 65 years. Also his wife Mary died July 3rd 1946 aged 88 R.I.P. Their son Patrick died 1st April 1961. His wife Rose died 3rd June 1961.
MORGAN – In loving memory of Patrick Morgan Johnstown, Navan. Died 3rd February 1966 aged 22 years. Also his mother Jane Morgan died 25th May 1970. R.I.P.
MONTAGUE – Erected by Matthew Montague in memory of his brother Daniel Montague who departed this life the 3rd of November 1826 aged 35 years. Also his father Christopher Montague who departed this life the 27th of April 1832 aged 82 years. Also his mother Mary Montague who departed this life the 29th of October 1834 aged 62 years and his son Chris Montague who departed this life the 22nd of …
MULDOON – Sweet Jesus have mercy. Erected by John Muldoon Navan in loving memory of his wife Margaret who died 12th October 1940. Also the deceased members of the Smith family. Also the above John Muldoon died 29th October 1960 R.I.P (stone mason Cullen, Cavan) (east of ruin).
MULLEN – see Bryan, Catherine.
NEILL – See Smith, Edward.
0’BRIEN – This stone was erected by Charles O’Brien in memory of his son James O’Brien, who departed this life, 27th of September 1756 aged 6 years.
O’BRIEN – HIS. In loving memory of John O’Brien Johnstown. Died 25th October 1944 aged 71 years. Also his wife Elizabeth died 21st June 1972 aged 84 years R.I.P.
O’BRIEN – See Brien.
O’NEILL – In memory of Katie O’Neill died 1st Sept 1945. Her husband William died 15th August 1978. R.I.P.
O’NEILL – ……… (Top part of inscription eroded) Also Mrs Mary O’Neill Oldtown died 11thJuly 1940 and Thomas O’Neill died 25th Nov. 1948 aged 92 R.I.P. His son Vincent O’Neill (Oldtown) died 30th October 1955 (north of ruin).
O’REILLY – My Jesus Mercy “In loving memory of Matthew O’Reilly Dormstown Navan died 22nd November 1922” R.I.P.
O’REILLY – see Brien, James.
QUINN – In loving memory of Patrick Quinn died June 7th 1937. Kate Quinn died Jan 9th 1969. Thomas Quinn died May 26th 1955. R.I.P. (a cross with a wooden plaque bolted to it).
REILY – Here lyeth the body of Charles Reily who departed this life Oct the 18th 1792 aged … years. This stone was erected by his son Thomas Reilly.
RODGERS – Erected by Thomas Rodgers of Navan in memory of his beloved sister Anne Rodgers who departed this life 4th Dec 1838 aged 26 years. Also his sister Catherine (Boyle?) who departed this life 2nd Jan 1841 aged 55 years. Also his father James Rodgers who departed this life 11th February 1845 aged 72 years. And also of his beloved mother Mary Rodgers who departed this life on the 22nd of September 1860 aged 77 years.
SMITH – Erected to the memory of Edward and Mary Smith Kilcarne by their grand-daughter Winnifred Neill 1944 R.I.P. (north of church)
SMITH – In loving memory of John Smith, 17 Flowerhill Navan. Died 29th January 1970. Also his parents R.I.P. (east of church).
SMITH – see Muldoon, John.
SMYTH – Here lieth the body of John Smyth who departed this life March the 27th 1789 aged 59 years.
SMYTH – see Bryan, Catherine.
SMYTH – see Lynch, Mary.
STAPLES – see Bryan, Philip.
TRAYNOR – In loving memory of Philip Traynor Athlumney Navan, died 4th Dec 1904. His wife Mary died 31 May 1933. Their son Christopher died 24th Jan 1931. Their daughter Rose died 22nd May 1932.
TULLY – In loving memory of Laurence Tilly Brownstown. Also his son Owen who died 21st July 1893.
TULLY – In memory of A. Tully R.I.P. died December 1984. (This is incorrect as the late Ambrose died in 1983.)
MACALESTER – Erected by Mary Macalester in memory of her father Peter Mooney who died the 29th April 181- aged 80 years. Also her mother Mary Mooney alias Parker who died the 29th of March 1818 aged 60 years.
FLOOD – This stone was erected by Thos. Flood of Navan in memory of his father, Patrick Flood of Gerrardstown, who died Feb. the 26th 1728 aged 33 years. Here also lyeth the body of the above Thos. Flood who departed this life September 30th 1801 aged 75.
FLOOD – (Inside the ruined church) Erected by Samuel Flood in memory of his father Samuel Flood and his family (no dates or address given)
Another stone inside the church has proved difficult to decipher – Here lyeth the body of Patrick-a-gan, who departed this life, November 16th 17—aged 42 years.
O’BRIEN – This stone was erected by Charles O’Brien in memory of his son, James O’Brien, who departed this life, 27th of September 1756 aged 6 years.
TULLY – In memory of A. Tully R.I.P. died December 1984. (This is incorrect as the late Ambrose died in 1983).
BARRY (HUMPHREY) – I would like to add to what Noel French has to say about this slab; In an article by Lord Walter Fitzgerald on Kilcarne churchyard he came up with the following-:
Here lyeth the body of Humphry Barry of Kilcarne who departed this life the 17th day of Ma- also Susanna Foster, his wife, who departed this life, the 28th day of March. This monument was erected by ……… of his ………
KENEDY – This monument was erected here by Thomas Kenedy in remembrance of his wife and son who departed this life. March 4th 1936. (Unable to decipher rest).
BOYLE – William Boyle, Cardiffstown, Kilmessan. Died 31st July 1971 aged 85.
O’BRIEN – In memory of baby Elizabeth Mary Patricia O’Brien. Born 16th March 1944. Died 13 April 1944.
MURTAGH – He lyeth the body of Wl. Murtagh, who died on August the – 1771 aged 66 years. Also his wife Cath. Cawley alias Murtagh, Dec. March 13th 1763.
The oldest legible memorial inscription in Kilcarne commemorates Joan Bryan who died 1709.
For ‘Kilcarne and St. Stephen’s Church’ click here