Choose from a link below:
McCann, James M.P.
Metge Family
Nangle Family (Barons of Navan)
Navan People
Nulty, Bishop Thomas
O’Brien, Rev. Pól (Writer)
O’Connor, C. Y. (Engineer)
O’Growney, Fr. Eugene (Priest, Patriot, Scholar)
O’Higgins, Brian (Patriot)
O’Reilly, Rev. Eugene (Priest & Social Reformer)
O’Reilly, John Boyle (Writer)
Paar Family, Ballyboy House, Rathmore
Pigott, Richard (Forger)
Plunkett, St. Oliver
Plunkett, Bishop Patrick J.
Pollock Family, Mountainstown
Preston Family
Postmasters in Navan
Scott, Anthony
Smyth, Edward (Sculptor)
Somerville Family
Spicer Family
Stearne, John (Physician)
Steen of Odder Castle
Swift, Dean Jonathan (Writer)
Tisdall of Charlesfort House
Tormey, Fr. Michael
Wakelys, of Navan and Ballyburly
Wakeman, William Frederick
Waller, of Allenstown House