Excerpts from a Paper
Landscape in Transition:
Descriptions of Forfeited Properties in Counties Meath, Louth and Cavan in 1700
Arnold Horner and Rolf Loeber, Analecta Hibernica, No. 42, (2011), pp. 59-179
The focus of the following presentation is British Library Add. MS. 41159, a small notebook purchased by the British Museum as lot 216 at Sotheby’s auction of 17 July 1924. Some 170 folios in length and no index, it just starts and ends. A pencil note on the outside identifies it as ‘Forfeited Estates Counties of Meath & Louth 1700’. The otherwise blank first page has the identifier (presumably a shelf number) ‘181.c’. The pencil annotation ‘Sir Wm Petty’s’ appears, together with purchase details, on the next page ….
… This document describes a landscape of Jacobite properties, which appears to have seen much investment in creating or rebuilding big houses and in re-dividing the land for new farming systems.
… Date of Survey for the Barony of Naven [Folio 115-129], Aug 28, 29 & 31 1700 & Sept 3-7 1700.
[Barony Of Naven]
(f. 115r) Augt. 28 1700. The Quality of the Severall Numbers Following the Forfeitures of Michaell Birford.
No. 1 – This Little peece has a Cabin on it. It lyes on ye North side of ye Lane on ye West end of the Church of Killberry. [Killberry, Sheet 18, Kilberry p. 324 in Civil Survey]. Its worth is 20s per annum. Ann. Scituacon Vide ye Mapp.
No. 2 – This lyes on ye North side of ye Lane very neer ye West End of ye Church of Killberry. Worth 22 s. per acre. Scituacon Vide ye Mapp.
No. 3 – This lyes on ye South side of ye Road. Worth £1, 6s per ann. Vide ye Mapp (p. 133)
No. [blank] – This lyes on ye South Side of ye road. Worth £1, 6s per ann. Vide ye Mapp Patrick Logan ten[a]nt to above 4 Percells.
(f. 115v) No. 5 – This Peece lyes on the Roade to Ardee, a mile from Naven on ye East side. Its Pasture Worth 8s., 6d per ann. Vide ye Mapp. Saml. Gibbons ten[a]nt.
No. 6 – This Peece lyes East of No 8 & 11 Chain Distant in ye same field. Good Pasture. Worth 8 shillings per Acre. Ditto Gibbons Ten[an]t
No. 7 – This Peece Lyes in ye Towne of Donnoghmore. [Donaghmore, Sheet 25, p.224 in Civil Survey]
On ye West Side ye Road to Ardee. From Naven a mile, All is Pasture except about 2 Acres of Turff Bogg. Worth 8s per Acre. Francis Tucke is Ten[an]t to this for 7 years past. Who has this Summer commit’d a wast by cutting 44 Cllamps of Turff in ye Bogg & Sold it to Severall P[er]sons, worth 18d. per clamp.
No. 8 – This Peece lyth between Donnoghmore Steeple & ye Boyne on ye South Side of ye road to Drogheda. Its under Pease & Fallow. Worth 10s per acre. Tho. Meaghan Ten[an]t.
No. 9 – This Peece lyth on ye South side of ye road from Naven to Drogheda at ye Steeple of Donaghmore. It’s under Beare. Worth 10s per acre. Vide ye Mapp. Tho. Meaghan Ten[an]t.
No. 10 – This Peece lyes between ye Church Yard & ye road from Naven to Drogheda. Und[e]r Beare. Worth 12 s per acre. Tho. Meaghan Ten[an]t.
No. 11 – A small Cabin & Garden. Worth 15 s per Ann. Patr. Bourke Ten [an]t.
No. 12 – A small Cabin & Garden. Worth 16 s per ann. Tho. Meaghan Ten [an]t.
No. 13 – A Small Cabin worth 10 s per ann. Bryan Hamell Ten[an] t.
(p. 133-34)
(f.116) Augg 29: Both Garges [Graigs, Sheet 18, Upper & Lower Grages p. 226 in Civil Survey]
The Forfeiture of Michll Birford. Is distant from Naven 2 miles, From Drogheda 9 And from Trim 7. Its bounded round w[i]th a Ditch and and a Cutte or Drain in the Turffe Bogg w[hi]ch is almost Cutt out and Wast’d. The Land beares Rye and Oats and in Some Places Beare. The Meadow is very coarse and turffy. The Soyle Dry & Thin in ye Plow’d Ground. Halfe of the Pasture is Dry & Furzy. There is 4 cabins in a Village and no other improvements. It is in the Manner of Naven. It is worth 6s per Acre. The most of the Bogg is Profitable. There is about 16 acres of Bogg & Coarse Ground.
(pp 134-5)
(f. 117) Sep. 5. Rahaldron [Rathaldron, Sheet 25; Rahaldron, p.225 Civil Survey)
Ed Sweetman in Right of his Wife[1]. There is a good Old House well built w[i]th lime and stone, and hath 6 Rooms in it in repaire. It hath good entrance into it, an Old Gate House of stone and lime and an Inner Gate House of the same w[i]th ye Court or Yards well paved. At least 3 acres Und[e]r Orch[ar]d & Gardens well furnished w[i]th good Fruite Trees. Its very well Scicuat’d w[it]hin 6 perches to the River called Blackwater wh[i]ch Affords Plenty of Fish, as Trouts, Pikes and eeles. It is one mile from Naven being ye next Markett, 21 miles from Dublin, 10 from Drogheda being ye next sea port, 6 from Kells. It hath a very Good Quarry for Building Stones, very good. Land Worth 7s, 6d per acre per ann.
Moate part of Rahaldron. It’s a very good Peece of Land lyeing neere ye Blackwater side. It hath one house on it built of Stone & Thatchd, w[i]th gardens about it. It hath good Conveneincey of fire and water. And ye Land is worth 8s 6d per acre per ann.
(p. 135)
Newenstowne [Nevinstown, Sheet 25, Neivenstowne p. 225 in Civil Survey]
Part of Rahaldron. It hath 8 Thatch’d Cabins on it w[i]th Gardens to each of them. It hath good Conveneincey of fire and water. And lyes as near ye Marketts & Sea Ports as Rahaldron. It is good land. Worth 7s, 6d per ann. (p. 135)
(f.118) Windestowne [Windtown, Sheet 25, not in the Civil Survey]
Part of Rahaldron. In it is 2 good Houses Thatch’d with Barnes & Stable & Gardens to them. It lyes ye same distance w[i]th Rahaldron from ye Markett’s & Sea Ports. Very good Conveneincey of fire and water. Worth 7s.6d per acre per ann.
Sept 3d. Liscarten [Liscartan, Sheet 35, Liskartan, p.231 in Civil Survey]
Part of w[hi]ch is ye Forfeiture of S[i]r William Tabot. It lyes upon the Blackwater 2 miles from Naven. It hath a large old castle most of it out of repaire, Except ye walls w[hi]ch are good and large, And a good Orch[ar]d, one good Farme House and 9 Cabbins. The land in general is Tollerable Good except ye North West End w[hi]ch is Course. There is a Great Road thro the Middle of it. It is in no Manner. There is 4 acres of Gleabe belongs to ye ruinous Church. The part of w[hi]ch is said to be retrench’d out of w[hi]ch was forfeit’d now by S[i]r Wm Talbot is ye worst part of ye Towne w[i]th 2 cabins on’t, but no’e bounds was ever drawn or made yet, so that ye Whole Towne was surrounded. It is 3 miles from Trim, 21 from Dublin, 11 from Drogheda. Worth 7s, 06d. p[er]. Acre.
(f.122) Sept 5. Duncomb’s Lands and 2 houses the forfeiture of Patrick Evererd.
No.1 – A Parcel of Pasture ye West side of ye Towne of Naven Christopher Mathews Ten[a]nt Worth 13s. per acre
No.2 – A Parcel of Furzy Pasture on ye West side of ye Towne, Richard Magranney Ten[a]nt Worth 9s. per acre
No.3 – A Parcel of Good Pasture w[i]th a Cabin and Small Garden on ye East side of ye Towne of Naven. Ffelem Brady Ten[an]t Worth 20s per Annum the half acre of Meadow included.
No.4 – A Parcel of Pasture called Ffalanamoddagh on ye West side of ye Towne, Stephen Floyd Ten[an]t
No.5 – A Parcel of Pasture and fallo West side of ye Towne w[i]th a cabin. Wm Roony Ten[an]t . Worth 12s 6d. per acre
No. 6 – A Percel [sic] of Pasture West side ye Towne Chiristr Jackson Ten [an]t Worth 9s ann.
No. 7 – A Parcel of Pasture West side ye Towne Bartho: Woods Ten[an]t Worth 12 s. per acre
Sep. 5. – The Qualty of a Mault-House, Dwelling House and 4 acres of land. The forfeiture of Patr. Everded. The dwelling house is 33 foot long & 15 foot in breath w[i]th stone and lime walls Lofted and slated. A Mault-House 82 foot long and 18 foot in breath, halfe-lofted w[i]th stone and lime Wall, slated. An Orch[ar]d w[i]th 50 good fruit trees. A stable 27 foot long, and 18 foot in breath slated. The land is all meadow except a Small Cabin w[hi]ch has a small garden belonging to it. These Tenem[en]ts is worth £16 per ann.
(f.123r) The Survey and Admeasurement of ye houses & Tenem[en] ts in ye Towne of Naven ye forfeiture of Patrich Evered.
No.1 – A wast plot in ye West Street on ye North side leading to Trim Gate, 40 foot in ye front 150 foot Backward, bounded on ye South w[i]th ye Street, on ye West w[i]th Edmd Culgons plot, on ye North w[i]th Court Field house, on ye East w[i]th John Tomlinson’s house. Worth. 16 s. ann.
No.2 – A Cabin and Garden in possession of Ed Eustice, on ye North side of ye West Street adjoining Arch-Deacon Benson’s, 35 foot front, 378 foot backwards, bounded on ye South w[i]th ye Streete, on ye West w[i]th Nich Reads house, on ye North w[i]th a Court Field, on ye East with Arch-Deacon Benson’s house. Worth 40s per ann.
No.3 – A Large house slat’d w[i]th Stable Coach House, Brew House in possession of [f.123v.] Archdeacon Tho Benson on ye North side ye West Streete neere ye Market House. Distinguished with a Succamore Tree plant’d in ye Streete at it together with a pleasure and Kitchin Garden. Guarded w[i]th walls of stone, Lime Clay and Mudd. 81 foote front 378 foote backward to ye North parte of ye Gardens w[i]th Priviledge of a lane to ye Backyard w[hi]ch is well pav’d. The Dwelling House consisting of 7 rooms, The Wall Creasy, Support’d with several Butterisses. The said Archdeacon Purchaser from Tho Knightly Esqr. Grantee. The s[ai] tenem[en]t w[i]th the Appurtenances is worth £13 per ann. Bounded on ye South w[i]th ye Street on the West with Eustace’s Ten[emen]t, on the North w[i]th Mr Court’s fields, and on ye East w[i]th Turlough Kellyes House.
No.4 – A Wast Tennem[en]t in South Streete at ye South East end of ye Sessions House, latly[sic] burnt, in Possession of Widow Cormuck Jnr., 37 foot front, 220 foot Backward. Bounded on ye West w[i]th the Streete, on ye North w[i]th ye Widow Cormuck Snr., on ye East with ye Boyne, on the South w[i]th Christ: Welshes house. Worth £1 10s per ann.
No.5 – A Large Handsome Slate House on ye East side of ye Sessions House with a Large Mault House, Slated, a back house all in good repaire, in Possession of (f.124) ye Widdow Cormuck Snr., together with a garden and shop in the front of the Street. It is 37 foot in ye front, 220 foot backwards, Bounded on ye West w[i]th ye Street, on ye North w[i]th Mr. Preston’s House, on ye East with ye Boyne on ye South w[i]th ye said Widow Cormuck. She alledges a Lease w[i]th a Clause of Renewalls for ever of ye s[ai] Premisses from Patr Evered forfeiting P[er]son Und[e]r ye Rent of £3 & a Sugar Loaf per ann. Patr. Evered and James Dowdall Forfeiting P[er]sons.
No.6 – A Wast Tenem[em]t, Runious, in possession of Iever Jackson in ye North Street, Bounded on ye West w[i]th ye Street, on ye North w[i]th Williams holding, on ye East w[i]th ye Boyne, on ye South w[i]th ye Farm House & Mault House, 44 foot frony, 210 foot Backwards to ye Boyne. Worth 30s per ann.
No. 7 – A smal New Thatcht House and Garden on ye North Streete, in Possession of Thomas Williams, 25 foot in ye front and 210 foot backwards Bounded on West w[i]th ye Street on ye North w[i]th Mrs. Ervins holding, on ye East w[i]th ye Boyne, on ye South w[i]th Mr. Jacksons holding. Worth 4s per ann.
No. 8 – A smll new Thatcht House & Garden in ye North Streete in ye Possession of Mrs. Mary Ervin, 25 foot in ye Front, 210 foot backwards, Bounded on the West w[i]th ye Streete, on ye North w[i]th Nicholas Tallon, on ye East w[i]th ye Boyne, on ye South w[i]th Mr. W[ilia]ms holding the 2 houses being joined and built together. Good houses but not lofted. Worth £4 per ann.
The Survey and Admeasurent of ye Houses and Tenem[en]ts in the Towne of Navan. The Forfeiture of James Dowdall[2]
No. 1 A Malt House w[i]th Priviledge of Ye Yard in North Street in Possession of Andrew Arch and Edmond Farrell, Thatcht 50 foot in front and 50 foot Backward, bounded on the West w[i]th ye street, on the North w[i]th ye Lane between ye said house and Mr. Jackson holding on the East with the Garden of Cusack’s House. It is worth 5 pound p[er] annum.
(f. 125) No.2. A Tann Yard (or house) on the River Boyne in ye Possession of Christpr Matthews, Lessee to James Dowdall. Bounded on the West by w[i]th Cusacks Garden, on the North w[i]th Jackson’e holding, on the East w[i]th the Boyne, on the South w[i]th ye Widdow Cormucks Ten[ement]. It consists of 24 fatt’s and handles a Barke Mill and Lime Holes. It is 90 foot long and 66 foot braod. Worth £4 p[er] Ann.
No. 3. A wast Tenem[en]t Ruinous in ye possession of lepher Jackson in North Street[3]. With Williams holding, on ye East, w[i]th ye Boyne, On the South with ye Tann Yard & Mault house, 44 foot in ye front & 210 foot Backwards to ye Boyne. Worth £1 10s p[er] Annum.
pp. 138 -140
Aug. 9 Part of Proudstown [Proudstown, Sheet 32; Proudestowne, p.67 in Civil Survey]
This part of Proudstowne is a very fine ffarme very well inclos’d with w [i]th good ditch’s. Hath no improvement, as houses on it. Hath no Convenience of Fire and Water, but is Scituat’d very well, & Capable of Improvements. There is about 25 acres of Meadow. Remaindr is good Arable & Pasture. No Manner of Royallty but und[e]r ye Sheriff’s Power. It’s Distant from Dublin 16 miles, halfe ye mile of Skryne being ye Next Markett Towne & 9 Miles from Drogheda & is worth 9 S[hillings] per Ann. And is now tennant’d by Wm Wall’s of ye Citty of Dublin Alderman. It is Part of ye Late K[ing] James Private Estate
P. 147
(f.139r) Aug. 9th Alexandr Read & Bellis [Alexander Reid & Baillis, Sheet 25, Allistonread p.63 in Civil Survey & Bellis p.64 in Civil Survey)
Lyes in ye Parish of Aghlomny. In Bellis there is a Large Thatcht’d House w[i]th good stone walls and a Good Orch[ar]d & Barne, a fine Streame of a Good Orch[ar]d & Barne [sic] a find stream of water running by ye doore. There is about 40 acres of Corne of Severall Sort’s and about 20 acres of Meadow. There is about ye house Severall Ash Trees. It is worth 10s p[er] acre in ye Possession of James Gough part of S[i]r Luke Dowdall’s Estate.
Alexander Read is good Corne and has 7 houses in it. Worth 8 s[hillings] per Acre. Distant from Dublin 19 miles, from Trim 6 & from ye Boyne One. In ye Possession of James Gough and James Cusacke. Part of S[ir] Luke Dowdall’s Estate.
P. 148